Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kiyomi Marie Kubota

My Dearest Bootsie,

I know, I know! I have been such a bad mommy for not writing to you for almost 2 months. So many things have been happening this past two months that I practically forgot I have a blog where I write you letters.

I have been taking a research class this summer which consumes most of my time besides my full time job. As you can see, since you are still in my belly, I can easily neglect you which is really not something I am proud of.

Your Papsi and I have finally decided on your name. I hope you will like it and that it will suit your pretty little face. Your official full name will be Kiyomi Marie Lim Kubota. To make things easier for paper work sake, we will only put Kiyomi Marie Kubota and leave out the Lim.

The name "Kiyomi" basically means beautifully pristine or beauty of the noble generation depending on the Japanese characters we use. We have not decided on that yet since we are waiting for your grandpa Kubota to get a name book in Japan and come up with the characters.

The name Kiyomi was actually given to me by your Auntie Fatima, who is one of my best buddies from college. We call each other "sisters" because we are actually that close. She gave me the idea for your name and I fell in love with it the moment I heard about it. Since then, nothing has been better.

We decided on "Marie" as your middle name because your great grandma Mary wanted something with Mary as part of your name to honor the Blessed Mother. I did not like the way Kiyomi Mary sounded so I said...why not Kiyomi Marie instead. Plus, my middle name is Marie also, so now we both have something in common. It makes me feel closer to you since Kiyomi is already Japanese and something in common with your Papsi Daddy.

I hope you will like the name because it's sooo unique and precious. Everyone who hears the name loves it so much. Your Auntie Sammi who lives in Vancouver said that it sounds like a royalty name and suiting for a princess...which you are to us : )

You are now 31 weeks in my belly. You have been kicking a lot which I really enjoy because it's my way of interacting with you. I have to say though that you are such a good girl because whenever I'm ready to go to sleep, all I have to do is rub my belly and tell you to sleep because your Mommy is ready to sleep, and you listen! I sleep so well because either you are sleeping also or your kicking doesn't bother me. I hope you will be good too once you come out and listen to me : ). When your Daddy tells me stories of his childhood, I get a little scared because he was such a naughty child. I hope you don't get those genes from him...hehehe : )

Ok, I'm going to write you another letter about the baby shower because it was such a great event.

Love you lots my little darling, 9 more weeks until I see you. I surely can't wait.

Your loving Mama

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